Better Know Enumerable: Introduction
Sep 17, 2014 • Brian CobbRuby’s Enumerable
module is the backbone that gives Array
, Hash
, IO
, and a handful of other core classes methods like each
and sort_by
More than basic traversal and sorting, it enables a mental and practical shift from imperative to functional programming.
For instance, we could use each
and a few conditionals to figure out which top-level classes include Enumerable
enumerables = []
constant_names = Object.constants
constant_names.each do |constant_name|
constant = Object.const_get(constant_name)
if constant.respond_to?(:ancestors)
if constant.ancestors.include?(Enumerable)
enumerables << constant
However, using the map
and select
methods provided by Enumerable
break down the problem in a more direct way and without local mutable state.
enumerables = Object.constants.
map { |c| Object.const_get(c) }.
select { |c| c.respond_to?(:ancestors) }.
select { |c| c.ancestors.include?(Enumerable) }
An in-depth exploration of the rest of Enumerable
could fill a small book, and this post will not attempt to fill in all the gaps.
Instead, it provides a few examples using common and uncommon parts of Enumerable
’s interface, and hopefully motivates further experimentation with the rest of the module.
Despite being used in the proverbially grainy and greyscale example above, each
is the linchpin of Enumerable
In order for a class to include Enumerable
it must implement each
For example, SentenceSearch
below will traverse through all sentences which contain some word
in a given body
(for a naïve definition of “sentence”).
We’ll use it to find the word “pudding” in an excerpt from Dickens’ Great Expectations (text copied from Project Gutenberg).
class SentenceSearch
include Enumerable
def initialize(body, word)
@body = body
@word = word
def each
select { |sentence| sentence.include?(@word) }.
each { |sentence| yield "#{sentence.lstrip}." }
excerpt = <<-EXCERPT
By degrees, I became calm enough to release my grasp
and partake of pudding. Mr. Pumblechook partook of
pudding. All partook of pudding. The course terminated,
and Mr. Pumblechook had begun to beam under the genial
influence of gin and water. I began to think I should
get over the day, when my sister said to Joe,
"Clean plates,--cold."
usable_excerpt =' ')
puddings =, 'pudding')
Being able to traverse through these sentences is useful—many search engines provide this sort of view when displaying search results—but Enumerable
facilitates working with these collections of sentences in a surprising number of ways.
We can find the shortest and longest sentence:
pp puddings.minmax_by { |sentence| sentence.length }
# ["All partook of pudding.",
# "By degrees, I became calm enough to release my grasp and partake of pudding."]
Or just the shortest sentence:
pp puddings.min_by { |sentence| sentence.length }
# "All partook of pudding."
Using the union operation on Array
, we can compile the collection of unique words in all of the sentences:
map { |sentence| sentence.split(' ') }.
reduce { |c, words| c | words }
# ["By",
# "degrees,",
# "I",
# "became",
# "calm",
# "enough",
# "to",
# "release",
# "my",
# "grasp",
# "and",
# "partake",
# "of",
# "pudding.",
# "Pumblechook",
# "partook",
# "All"]
is a generic module for collection traversal; with a little imagination we could conjure up dozens of additional ways to process the base collection of pudding-related sentences.
In future posts, I’ll cover Enumerable
’s methods in greater depth, and show real-world examples of refactoring towards an Enumerable
class to reap the benefits of its familiar and powerful interface.